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Port of Suva, Viti Levu Island, Fiji   

Trip Day Twenty-two: Sunday, October 14, 2007   
All Aboard
Owen Tyler stops to pose with the bow of the ship.

Passengers Board Sun Princess

After the morning on Viti Levu passengers are ready for lunch aboard the Sun Princess.

Loading Containers On Flat-Bed Trucks

We had no special plans for the afternoon, so we stayed on the ship.
It was Sunday, and Suva didn't beckon us to to walk the couple of blocks to town.

After a while the proceedings in the upper left corner of this picture became interesting.
People were gathering in the open space to the left of a clump of trees. We were hearing ranting over a loud speaker and finally located the noise as coming from the bus station. This appeared to be a political rally, and along with musical entertainment, someone was attempting to whip them into a frenzy supporting his point of view.
The growing crowd stayed orderly, but it was easy to see the anatomy of a riot here.
We were not tempted to stroll over there to see what was going on.

Passengers Boarding

These folks are likely additions to the crew, or possibly entertainers being picked up for the next few days on the ship. This is a common occurance at ports where there is an airport and a pier.

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