Mia Miranda is the 3-year-old
great-great granddaughter of Mary Tyler Latham.

Picture contributed by Christy Hoover Miranda

Picture contributed by Christy Hoover Miranda

This picture was dated March 1st 2009.

Working on this web site has brought so many rewards in addition to those directly involved with the creation and enjoyment of the site itself. In spite of the fact that Google ranks this site pretty low, every once in a while we hear from cousins who have stumbled into pictures of their relatives. Sometimes they find pictures of themselves on these pages! Recently we heard from Christy Hoover, mother of this beautiful little girl, and great-granddaughter of Mary Tyler Latham.
     Christy is the daughter of Angie Sproles Hoover, who is the youngest daughter of Mary Lou Latham Sproles Peppers. She brought us up-to-date on herself and her siblings. She is the eldest of three, married her college sweetheart, Chris Miranda, and eventually moved to Phoenix. Born in their new home city, little Mia is the only child from her marriage. Christy has followed the family tradition of being educators, and she has her Master's Degree in Educational Counceling, and is now considering entering the paralegal field. This means more schooling for Christy, but she knows that she will love doing the research required of paralegals.
      Her sister Danette Hoover Rivera married Ruben Rivera, her high school sweetheart, and also has a B.S. in Elementary Education. She teaches in a private school in Pampa, Texas. Danette has two children, Mackenzie and Miguel.
      Jared is the youngest of the Hoover family and is married to Tiffany Murphy. He is proud of his young daughter, Makena and son, Jacob who is about 6 months younger than his cousin, Mia. Christy is quite proud of her brother who aced the high school curriculum in 3 years instead of the usual four required for other students. Jared and his family live in Pampa, Texas.

Christy says she wants to start a family web site of her own. We look forward to seeing the results of her efforts, and she'll definitely get a link from our Family Album. We also hope to receive more pictures from her branch of the Tyler family.