Ollie Tyler, Cadet
St. John's Military School

We originally dated this picture c. 1907. But closer inspection of the 1908 picture that follows, makes this one appear to be closer to 1905.

No, he didn't go to military school because he was a discipline problem. Boys often went to military school because parents felt they would get a better education than in the local public schools.

In the fall of 2004, Pat heard from Neal Therrien, USAFR, who was in St. John's class of 1986. Therrien is the Web master for SJMS Forever, a site dedicated to the school's alumni. Somehow, he found this picture and wanted to add it to the site. That's pretty cool. Use the link to learn more about the school and it's former students. The school is still alive and well, and here is a link to their site.

Ollie Tyler at Military School

The following message was forwarded from Therrien:

While searching thru records – and I found Oliver Stanley Tyler from Zulu TX. In 1906. He was made a corporal on May 30, 1906 and 1st Sgt. 1907/08. He made 2nd Lieut. June 3, 1908. He was a marksman in 1908. He was a member of the 1907 football team, in the Sub. Position (whatever that means)

Does this help????

Oh – it is spelled Olliver.


We thank Therrien and Terry for their efforts
and for making the information available to us.

Page last updated September 27, 2004.