Daily Herald Masthead

Saturday - Sunday, November 27 - 28, 1971

Oliver S. Tyler Dies

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Oliver S. Tyler
    Oliver S. Tyler, Sr., of 707 N. Academy, a Panhandle pioneer and dedicated civic worker, died late Friday at Memorial Hospital of Guymon.
    Tyler, 81, was born to Stanley C. and Mary A. Tyler on March 4, 1890 in Hansford County Texas at the family's sod ranch house. He is believed to be the first child born in Hansford County.
    The birth site is located some 50 miles southwest of Guymon and about 15 miles southwest of the current town of Gruver, Tex.
    His parents owned eight sections and leased another 100 sections of Hansford County ranchland.
    0. S. Tyler attended rural schools in the Texas Panhandle, St. Johns Military School for three years in Salina, Kan., and he graduated from Valpraiso, Ind. University Business College.
    Upon his graduation in 1909, he returned to Guymon and went to work for L. E. Latham, who owned the Latham Dry Goods, Co., which was located where the current D. and J. store is housed.
    In 1910, he moved back to his father's ranch which he managed for the next six years.
    He married Rose Cook of Oklahoma City in 1912, and the couple moved to Baca County, Colo., where they homesteaded ranch land.
    Rose Tyler became ill and died in 1919 in an Albuquerque, N.M. hospital.
    To this union two sons were born, Stan Tyler of Guymon and Oliver Tyler, also of Guymon, who ranches in Colorado.
    Tyler then returned to Guymon where he worked as a lineman for his father, who was general manager of the Guymon & Hansford County Telephone Company.
    After his father sold the exchange in 1921, 0. S. Tyler and two other men bought and operated the Triangle Drug Company for about two years.
    In 1930 he married Thyra Owen in Guymon. Two sons were born of this marriage. Edward Owen Tyler and Byron E. Tyler, both of whom live in Amarillo, Tex.
    His other jobs have included a car dealer, dry goods merchant, city clerk, city councilman and secretary-manager of the Chamber of Commerce.
    He was a member of the city council for 16 years, and was city clerk for two years.

    He was a member of the First Presbyterian Church, a charter member of the Guymon Lions Club, a member of the Masonic Lodge — 32nd degree with the Scottish Rite Consistory at Guthrie. He was Worshipful Master and secretary for nine years. He was a member of the India Shrine Temple of Oklahoma City, a member of the Elks Lodge, and a member of the Guymon City Library Board
    0. S. Tyler remained active until his death by keeping an interest in city affairs, and took care of his own yard work.
    In 1970, he was parade marshall for the 40th Annual Pioneer Days Celebration.
    Survivors include his wife, of the home, his four sons, and a sister, Mrs. Mary Latham, of Guymon. Also, 10 grandchildren and one great-grandson.
    An 0. S. Tyler Memorial has been established for the City Library Fund and an Organ Fund at the First Presbyterian Church. Memorials will be accepted at the Henson Funeral Home.
    Funeral services are set for 10:30 a.m. Monday from the First Presbyterian Church of Guymon, with the Rev. Harland Collins, Pastor, officiating.
    Graveside rites will be conducted by the Guymon Masonic Lodge, and interment will be at Elmhurst Cemetery, under the direction of Henson Funeral Home.

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