Parade Marshal, Guymon Pioneer Day 2000
It is a huge honor if you live in Guymon, Oklahoma,
to be selected Pioneer Day Parade Marshal or Pioneer Queen.
Stanley Tyler was so honored on May 6, 2000.
Stanley and his wife, Margaret ride the parade route.
Stanley Tyler Page Navigator 

Newspaper Clippings in Acrobat Format

| | Download Adobe Acrobat Reader (9 MB) |

| | Daily Herald piece published March 26, 2000 About Stanley being honored as Pioneer Day 2000 Parade Marchal. The text is similar to the article listed below, but the download is only 1.1 MB

| | Daily Herald piece published April 27, 2000 About Stanley being honored as Pioneer Day 2000 Parade Marchal. This is a 50 MB download, and it includes lots of old pictures.

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Page last updated May 1, 2003.